Rules & Guidelines

  • Admission to College is strictly based on merit list. The decision of the college authorisities in the matter of admission shall be final and binding.
  • Each student has to stay in the college hostel after his/her admission, as it is a fully residential college.
  • Those Parents/Local guardians are allowed to visit once in a month who are registered themselves as parents or local guardian at the time of admission.
  • For the convenience of the parents college has fixed as a particular day for the students for telephonic talk with their parents.
  • Any student who remains absent in the college for no genuine reason on the re-opening day of any break i.e. holidays, vacation or the day followed by the expiry of personal leave duly granted by the appropriate authority, is to be punished Rs.500/-per day for his/her absence. In case of illness he has to take the prior permission of the appropriate authority to leave the Hostel.
  • Mobile phone, I-pod, FM, camera, digital camera, immersion heater, pen-drive etc. are strictly prohibited. If any students is found with any of these items he/she will be expelled from the college and will be compelled to take TC. The decision of the management is final.
  • creating indiscipline in the college, having irregular attendance or not responding properly may be expelled from the college.
  • In case, any student found creating indiscipline in the institute/bus/hostel, he/she may be expelled from the College.
  • Outside friends are not allowed to meet the students either in college or in college hostel.
  • Parents are requested and not permitted to give any fast-food or junk-food to their children. They can only give snacks to their children.
  • While meeting their children, the parents should not give mobile to any other children for communication except their own child.
  • The students are required to wear the college uniform during the college hours. Beyond college hours they are required to wear gentle dress of aesthetic value.
  • It is mandatory to provide mobile number of the father / guardian. The results of tests or any other information by the college will be sent to the students or parents through the cell phone only. College shall not be responsible for missing information if the cell phone number is not given.
  • We believe in discipline and healthy study environment. So no ragging is permitted here. Ragging such as eave teasing, trafficking, insult or derogatory remarks or any kind of physical torture is strictly banned here. No senior to junior, no boy to girl and vice versa will be allowed to create any kind of environment for ragging. If any one tries to violate this rule he/she will be penalised with financial punishment with compulsory TC.
  • After depositing money towards Admission if a student becomes disinterested in the College due to any reason whatsoever and wants to take his / her money back, the college will not refund the money deposited towards Admission.