CHSE Pattern

The core issue to be addressed in the college is the convergence of our teaching in college in consonance with teaching in other reputed Residential colleges. The entire course is be completed in two academic sessions. In each session there will be fixed component of academic teaching (CHSE pattern) and competitive teaching.

The classes held six days a week and on every Monday weekly test is conducted. The classes are held from to 5pm. The classes are conducted in such a manner that the fundamentals in all subjects are cleared at the grass-root level. The lecturers provide running notes in the class-rooms, based on CHSE pattern. During self – study, if a student faces any doubt in any subjects, he/ she may meet the concerned lecturer for that, during the doubt clearing session (5pm to 6pm).

Also the students are exposed to regular classroom tests on subjective and objective pattern in order to prepare them for their final examination .The Principal works as a guardian of every students to monitor all sorts of progress in LJHSSS.